The Stock Exchange

' ' So Paulo Stock Exchange launches campaign you become lives popular' '. Five minutes later ' ' This new vibration of the planet has become the nervous, depressive and sick people. This because, to be able to receive more light, the people need to change physics and mentally. They must organize its rooms of ousting, because its conscience each day will receive more light. no matter how hard they desire to prevent, will need to roll up sleeves and to start the cleanness, or will have that to live in the way of sujeira' '. Jairo went to protest on the number of words, but it remembered the warning of Jonas, that has a cousin in the providence that liberates checks. The telegrapher asked for license to take a water cup, but the reprovador look of the officers made with that it came back toward the device. The translator coava the fingers and looked at the ceiling.

The racket of the waterfall only heard, despite it blew very and time for another windows and glasswares estalassem with force. You, you you You, you – This m does not finish! Jairo was lamuriou and in the same instant it finished the light. The telegraph made last You and for a few seconds everything what it heard, beyond the waterfall, was the nocturnal wood beating and birds. The telegrapher, sweating, appears with a mallet of candles and a box of matches, beyond, is clearly, of the last message. ' ' Dorival Jr surprises everyone and maintains punishment you striker' '.

The translator, who the times murmured and kept a static smile in the lips, extended plus a slip of paper, of this making for Jairo, that seemed abated and was seated. ' ' We are living the best time of the humanity since all the times. We will be witnesses and agents of the biggest transformation of conscience never imagined.

Brazilian Companies

Example: One assumes that a Brazilian company must pay to US$ 1 million to one inside determined supplying foreigner of three months. Assuming one exchange tax today, around R$ 1,67, the company would spend R$ more than 1,67 million. If the exchange tax, however, to increase 10% in three months, the company will have that to spend a still bigger sum. To protect itself of this exchange risk, the company who, in the case, would be to hedger of the operation, can appeal to the market of options to transfer to the risk to another made use participant the assumiz it, the speculator, whose interest will be to carry through a substantial profit in its position. In the Brazilian market the main options are very on blue Chips, Valley PNA, VALE5 and Petrobra’s PN, PETR4, represents 90% of this market, here, is put into motion about five billion Reals for month, being that, more or less 96% are purchase option and 4% sales options. About 100 million people they are registered in cadastre in the So Paulo Stock Exchange, to operate derivatives and the majority of them they operate options.

2,2 SO PAULO STOCK EXCHANGE risk (2009), who if interests for options must be cliente of the risks of the market and the value that can lose, as in any another application. It is important that if light in consideration the structure economic-financier of the Country and the company, as well as the risks of the proper action-object, therefore, all these information are necessary for a minimum knowledge of the risk levels. Chosen the financial objective of the applicator, it must be analyzed the two possible positions in the market of options: of bearer and of thrower. According to Bernstein (1996), the word risk has origin in the old Italian, more specifically in the term risicare, whose meant it is associated with daring.

IMF Plan

Greece saved match yesterday ball when obtaining the endorsement of the European Commission, the European Central bank (BCE) and the International Monetary Fund (the IMF), the call troika, for its intentions of financial amendment. Athens will obtain vital the 12,000 million Euros of the pending payment according to the plan of rescue agreed for a year, rescue plan that will be reinforced with a reconstruction of the debt which the private bank will be able to enter of voluntary form. The new aid will be put under strict conditions that include more social cuts and privatizations, that as a whole will reach about 80,000 million Euros. The society has received helena it terribly before the new loads and has been called by nth time to a general strike next the 15 of June. Source of the news: : Greece obtains a new oxygen ball in exchange for more sacrifices

External Debt

External debt and Bonds in Default. The Exchange: To whom It benefits? All we are expectant before which it is happening in the Argentine Republic in relation to the payment of debt in default resorting to the use of the accumulated reserves in the Central bank of the nation. The argument used by the Argentine government to pay debt with the referred reserves is the one of the urgent necessity to improve the international image of the country and this way to encourage to investing potentials to that they renew his confidence and they return to acquire the new bonds, those that will be emitted, once decided a difficult negotiation with the deserving bank. This decision, the one to cancel debt resorting to the reserves, has generated a rspido confrontation between the Argentine government and the opposition, and it is reflected in a paralyzed national congress which does not obtain the necessary agreements and it has taken to them to resort, on more than one ocassion, to the Judicial Power, so that this one takes part and prevents what both contendores, government and opposition, to try to realise. Before this panorama, Bank the International, that describes the state as the debt, has improved the qualification of the same well-known, noticing certain rejoicing in the possesors of bonds depreciated and unpaid, before the possibility of obtaining enormous benefits, of taking shape the terms in which the government raises the negotiation. However, Who are the present possesors of bonds at issue? In order to respond to this question I suggest we make a slight compilation of certain events that do to the origin of the first bond acquirers emitted by the Argentine state, as they arose and as they have been the reasons that motivated to them to acquire them. We see: In opportunity to be in countries with developed economies, I was interested in the situation of ample sectors of the population, that, urged by an extremely aggressive propaganda, had fallen in the claws of the consumption, arriving at truly worrisome ends as soon as their capacity to maintain a balance basic, in the increasing difference between his limited income and the increasing indebtedness fruit of the avidity to consume everything what it offered to them more and more by means of tempting supplies.