The final objective of the effort of OF It is to improve the improvement continues organizacional and well-being of the employee. Models had been analyzed in its studies of OF the considered ones for BECKHARD (1969), CONNER (1992), KOTTER (1996), and FAHEY& RANDALL (1994), to arrive in a concept of OF. the author based its methodology in analysis of secondary data, that is, it does not bring its proper conclusions on the subject, and yes different methods that the linking of ideas makes possible, in which, all focam in an only vision, the Organizacional Development. Each author tells its proposal of change, however each one brings models in accordance with the presented time. The used method in the study of the author, brings the different perception and ways to apply OF, making possible to develop the capacity better to articulate different boardings in the daily one of the ones of the consultants of Organizacional Development whom they look to develop this idea. The change process can inside be considered a phase of the organizations that aims at the improvement continues of the internal processes to present good results to the external environment.
It is an action in long stated period, that demand professional enabled to such project, therefore it aims at the change of the culture, that it searchs to move with beliefs and values of all the involved people in the organization. The fact is that we must observe that the same creates fields of forces in the process, force these that are positive and negative. When the positive forces are greaters that the refusals, the change attempt occurs of form accomplishes and is successful, but if the negative forces prevail, the change attempt if becomes a failure and the company will continue in the old bark. In accordance with the studies of Liliane Vasconcellos we can detach negative positive points and of the change process; ) Positive points Improvement of the parts: A project of well projected organizacional Development not only brings improvements for the organization, but also for the too much individuals.